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August 09, 2003

torture chambers

Okay, so I'm a month behind here. Oops. But it's not as bad as it seems -- there were two weeks when I was not at the regular Wednesday juggling because I was out of town (one of which was when I was at the IJA festival, but I didn't record any video while I was there), and then the week after that I was back, but for whatever reason I didn't wind up recording anything.

Anyway, so from a month ago, the 2nd of July, I have a few interesting clips. First, with me, Martin, Justin, Jacob, and Sarah, we did the Torture Chamber, which we decided to record from above. This worked out quite well. We put the camera up on the third floor (which is probably about the height of a fifth floor -- the ceilings are quite tall), sticking out under the railing pointing down into the atrium.

Here's the best run we got with Martin feeding, about 7 cycles, which is pretty long.

Large - 25 MB
Medium - 12 MB
Small - 8.0 MB

Here's me feeding, a run of two cycles with a clean finish.

Large - 8.6 MB
Medium - 4.0 MB
Small - 2.8 MB

Then we came up with this Torture Chamber variation, which removes the selfs that the people in the back have for the usual version. So on every beat, there's a triangle and an exchange; as opposed to the normal one, where on each beat there's either two exchanges or a quadrangle. Anyway, here's two cycles (or nearly) of the variant.

Large - 8.7 MB
Medium - 3.8 MB
Small - 2.6 MB

And then Martin and I worked on the Compressed Mesopotamia a bit. We got a run of 10 cycles, which might be our record, or at least it's close. It's kind of interesting seen from above, though it's weird because you can't really see the flip of the clubs.

Large - 8.7 MB
Medium - 3.8 MB
Small - 2.6 MB

Two more Wednesdays' footage to post. We'll see when I manage to get that done... Hopefully soon(ish)! :)

Posted by neilfred at August 9, 2003 12:04 AM
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