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grigoriev, 26.07.2007 10:19
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Здравствуйте, уважаемые форумчане!
Я хотел бы анонсировать открытие нового сайта - МолГен. Буду рад если кого то он заинтересует и вы решите его посетить и принять участие в дискуссиях.

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«Молекулярная Генеалогия» (МолГен) - научно-популярный проект, в целях которого основополагающее место занимает популяризация генетической (молекулярной) генеалогии и геногеографии (симбиоз антропологии и популяционной генетики). Благодаря этим наукам человечество обрело возможность создать карту всемирной истории человечества от момента (и места) первых миграций первых людей современного вида и до наших дней, а также определить местонахождение каждого человека на общем генетико-генеалогическом древе. Геногеография покажет насколько мы все взаимосвязаны, разрушая основу расистких и националистических теорий, а ДНК-генеалогия позволит расширить свою родословную до доисторического прошлого, проследив путь своих предков из места своего обитания до отчего дома.
Интернет-ресурс «МолГен» создан для того, чтобы показать, на примерах, использование возможностей генетики в генеалогии.
Наличие на нашем портале постоянно пополняемой коллекции публикаций по теме молекулярной генеалогии, а также специализированного форума, позволит вам быстро найти ответ на интересующие вас вопросы.
В задачах проекта стоит, также, объединение всех ресурсов схожей тематики для создания единого генетико-генеалогического информационного пространства (Российское Генетико-Генеалогическое Сообщество - РГГС), посредством чего участники проекта могли бы совместными усилиями достигать поставленных целей или требуемых результатов, а также иметь больший вес при ведении конструктивных диалогов с различными организациями и средствами массовой информации.
Приглашаем всех желающих присоединиться к проекту!

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Веб-адрес: http://www.molgen.org
Раздел: Генная инженерия (ПЦР, праймеры, клонирование и т.п.), Другое (мол. биология), Другое (орг-ресурсы), Другое (литература)
Язык и уровень: Популярный (рус), Популярный (анг)
grigoriev, 14.08.2007 07:08
Я хотел бы пигласить к дискуссиям как на сайте МолГен, так и в данной теме - специалистов - популяционных генетиков.
Уважаемые форумчане, подскажите к кому обратиться?
grigoriev, 14.08.2007 09:15
Интересно взглянуть на "срез" существующих, на сегодняшний момент, известных данных по географической территории России (и бывшего СССР) в свете ДНК-генеалогии.
Какие регионы наиболее изучены, к каким вообще не притрагивались? Кто из ученых какой регион исследовал или планирует в будущем?
grigoriev, 28.08.2008 21:56
Хочу воспользоваться гостеприимством МолБиола и найти "соратников" среди форумчан:

Сайту Молекулярная генеалогия приглашаются в команду:
- Ньюсмейкеры
- Журналисты (авторы статей)
- Модераторы форума
- Программист

Было бы просто здорово, если бы среди биологов, оказались интересующиеся генеалогией... Если у Вас есть желание присоединиться к команде сайта - пишите на info.molgen(at)mail.ru

Должен отметить, что развитие сайта и его поддержка базируется на чистом энтузиазме его создателей, поэтому участие в жизни сайта и в его команде дело сугубо добровольное, материально не вознаграждается (возможно только пока).
Invisible, 06.09.2011 16:57
Неверно отображает кодировку блока на странице, ниже форума (который отображается корректно) идет вывод новостей генетики видимо из БД, в которой используется кодировка не Win-1251, а UTF-8 - согласуйте кодировки на сервере скриптами. скрин отображения во вложении
(браузер Firefox 6/0/1)

картинка: molgen.JPG
Trafaret, 04.02.2017 03:42
В целом то ресурс неплохой
Guest, 25.03.2020 00:53
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и очень возбуждающие
vrida2, 04.06.2022 10:50
arabasoads, 04.06.2022 16:28
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nigoal123, 06.06.2022 10:09
Depending on the industry nigoal of your business ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ it’s possible you might sexy gaming benefit from creating dream gaming quality content like blogs ka gaming and articles. Well-written

content can help you 123goal attract an audience to 11hilo your brand by providing 123bets them with helpful and insightful pggame123 information. In turn big gaming how to write an article.
123goal 123goal, 07.06.2022 12:58
Anyone can write something, post 123GOAL it, and call it an article — in the information 11hilo age, the definition of an article has become a very blurred line. The line สล็อต 123 between good and bad, pggame123 however, is much more defined — and arguably, 123dic more important. Good content is relatively easy to create. Most people big gaming don’t realize it, but everybody has interesting things to say. Good technique is 11 ไฮโล harder — it can seem abstract and nuanced, and it’s slotxo often the thing that makes or breaks an article. A weak article falls flat. A strong ambslot article changes minds, gains followers, carries weight, slotonline demands respect. It’s a worthy and valuable pursuit.
123goal 123goal, 08.06.2022 11:38
By having clear goals, you 123GOAL become aware of precisely what you 11hilo want to achieve and how to go about doing it. You areสล็อต 123 able to more accurately assess and pggame123 measure your ability to accomplish the goals and most
big gaming importantly, you have
a plan that can guide you along the way and keep you on track.
Add commitment and determination to find that you are 123dic willing to take
continuous and consistent action toward making your dreams a reality, despite
any obstacles in your path, 11 ไฮโล including difficult times.
Having goals and slotxo staying committed them will keep your focus on the
things that you have identified as essential to reaching your desired
outcomes. Too often, we expend precious
time on issues ambslot that have nothing to
do with what we really want in our lives. We get slotonline by focusing on what
others are doing and achieving, and striving to do the same.
nigoal123, 08.06.2022 12:45
To answer this question nigoal one will have to do ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ some research on the internet. sexy gaming There are several ways in dream gaming which one can use most of ka gaming the search engine optimization techniques.
First among them is nigoal 50รับ100 to use keywords. พริตตี้เกมมิ่ง Keywords refer to important PG SLOT words of the article that could พนันออนไลน์ be used several times in a สูตรสล็อต paragraph or in the article.
123goal 123goal, 09.06.2022 10:17
Men feel happy when they can 123GOAL make their woman happy. It has to do 11hilo with the give and take in the สล็อต 123 relationship. When the man and woman pggame123 in the relationship at least try to make big gaming each other happy, it goes a long way 123dic to the love and caring they demonstrate to each other. Men who feel this need are most often individuals that are 11 ไฮโล mentally and emotionally slotxo looking towards establishing and maintaining a long ambslot term relationship, and engage in healthy slotonline behaviors to encourage the success of the relationship.
nigoal123, 09.06.2022 12:26
I take great pride in nigoal my work and closely ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ collaborate with my clients sexy gaming to deliver according to their needs. dream gaming I actively listen to their demands ka gaming understand their perspective
and use my skills to highlight nigoal 50รับ100 their strengths and พริตตี้เกมมิ่ง experience in a compelling PG SLOT way giving them a professional พนันออนไลน์ be used several times in a สูตรสล็อต edge over others.
123goal 123goal, 10.06.2022 11:11
You need to work on yourself if 123GOAL you are lacking inner confidence. This takes 11hilo time, but the rewards are worth it. Every สล็อต 123 time you think pggame123 negatively about yourself, counter that thought big gaming with a positive one, or when you feel 123dic a negative thought coming on – list three 11 ไฮโล things that you are appreciativeslotxo of. Believe in yourself. Make it maintaining a long ambslot part of your morning routine to compliment yourself when you slotonline see your reflection in the mirror. The more confident you are, the more likely you will feel comfortable showing other people the real you!
123goal 123goal, 11.06.2022 11:23
When you are developing a 123GOAL solid content strategy, you want 11hilo to create สล็อต 123 different types pggame123 of content that big gaming catches users 123dic at the right 11 ไฮโล step of the sales funnel. From creating slotxo top-of-the-funnel content to end-of-the-funnel content, you will find that certain ambslot types of content will create potential slotonline customers that you can lead through the sales funnel.
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123goal 123goal, 13.06.2022 12:28
What is the goal 123GOAL of your content? You should สล็อต 123 always be driving your audience to pggame123 a next step – whether that’s viewing another บาคาร่าออนไลน์ blog post, signing up for a newsletter, or sharing the 11 ไฮโล content. Good content is actionable เกมสล็อต because it asks the person 123dic viewing it to do something. Every big gaming piece of content you produce should provide a clear, actionablect855 next step. To make your 123bets content actionable.
123goal 123goal, 14.06.2022 11:19
Negative emotions 123GOAL are unpleasant สล็อต 123 and disruptive pggame123 emotional บาคาร่าออนไลน์ reactions. Examples of 11 ไฮโล negative เกมสล็อต emotions include 123dic sadness, fear, big gaming anger, or jealousy. These ct855 feelings aren't just unpleasant; they also make it hard to function in your normal daily life and 123bets interfere with your ability to accomplish goals.
123goal 123goal, 15.06.2022 12:42
If you have nigoal passion in life and you ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ can see a career path that lets sexy gaming you tap into it then, dream gaming by all means, attack! But don’t tell ka gaming others they need your life. If you 123GOAL don’t feel a clear passion in your life then work to become as good as สล็อต 123 you can be in the thing pggame123 you’re doing. And don’t listen to บาคาร่าออนไลน์ anybody yelling at you for not conforming 11 ไฮโล to their ‘non-conformist’ ideals.
123goal 123goal, 16.06.2022 10:43
Lifestyle, however, is only part of the nigoal happiness equation. Your attitude ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ about life sexy gaming and the things dream gaming that happen to you each day ka gaming can also greatly impact your 123GOAL overall level of happiness and life สล็อต 123 satisfaction. It’s probably no secret pggame123 that optimists tend to be happier people, but you บาคาร่าออนไลน์ may not realize that there’s more to optimism than "putting on a happy face" or "looking on the bright side." There are specific traits that bring optimists 11 ไฮโล more success, greater health, and increased life satisfaction.
123goal 123goal, 17.06.2022 13:09
Car buying is confusing by nigoal design. Manufacturers, marketing companies, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ dealers, even your friends and sexy gaming family - everybody has an agenda, and dream gaming it is not their job to ensure ka gaming that you make the best choice. They do want you to be happy with the product they 123GOAL sell you, but no one is going สล็อต 123 to stop you from making a mistake - if this mistake serves them. But there is pggame123 hope. If you understand what they want, and most importantly what you want - your chances of making a good choice บาคาร่าออนไลน์ and enjoying your new 11 ไฮโล car are pretty good.
123goal 123goal, 18.06.2022 11:15
For content marketing, an SEO strategy nigoal is a critical piece ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ of the puzzle because sexy gaming it is how your dream gaming content will come ka gaming to be seen in 123GOAL the first place, สล็อต 123 especially in search engine pggame123 result pages (SERPs). If your content is scattered and unorganized, search engine bots will have a harder time บาคาร่าออนไลน์ indexing your site, identifying your 11 ไฮโล area of authority, and ranking your site pages.
123goal 123goal, 20.06.2022 09:47
Whether you’re planning to sell nigoal moisturizers, masks, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ exfoliators, or skin-tightening sexy gaming products, you’ll dream gaming always have ka gaming a market among 123GOAL consumers who want to look their สล็อต 123 best and boost their pggame123 confidence. Plus, with many people looking to บาคาร่าออนไลน์ build their self-esteem after months of spending 11 ไฮโล time indoors, now is a great time to learn how to start your own skincare line.
123goal 123goal, 21.06.2022 07:16
It is impossible to work successfully on a nigoal continuing basis with people who ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ are strangers. That applies both to people with sexy gaming in your organisation dream gaming and to people outside your organisation. For example as an accountant ka gaming you may need to work alongside a solicitor 123GOAL from your client's law firm with สล็อต 123 whom you have never worked before. Quite apart from discussing the facts of your mutual client's case, as soon as you start dealing with that solicitor pggame123 you will be evaluating what kind of person he or she is. To serve the client successfully you need to build up a relationship บาคาร่าออนไลน์ of trust and mutual respect with that solicitor. Obviously you also need a relationship of trust and mutual 11 ไฮโล respect with your client.
123goal 123goal, 22.06.2022 09:34
Being funny attracts people because it creates nigoal123 a comfortable atmosphere dreamgaming to relax and release sexy gaming negative energy. This is why ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ people who are prettygaming funny generally 123GOAL seem to have more สล็อต 123 friends than not. It is now a pggame123 proven fact that laughter is indeed the best medicine. Okay, maybe not the best because it can’t cure cancer บาคาร่าออนไลน์ laughter lifts your mood and relieves 11 ไฮโล stress and in so doing makes your immune system stronger and reduces pain.
123goal 123goal, 23.06.2022 10:20
Human sleep patterns follow nigoal123 natural circadian rhythms. Your circadian dreamgaming rhythms are sexy gaming like internal ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ clocks affecting prettygaming the way you สล็อต 123 think, feel, and behave throughout 123GOAL the day. Circadian rhythms are based on the lightness or pggame123 darkness of your environment. When your brain perceives darkness outside, your body begins to release a บาคาร่าออนไลน์ hormone called melatonin. Melatonin makes 11 ไฮโล you drowsy and prepares your body for sleep.
123goal 123goal, 29.06.2022 09:53
Acne is one of the most common nigoal123 skin conditions in the world, dreamgaming affecting an estimated 85 percent sexy gaming of young adults Trusted ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ Source. Conventional prettygaming acne treatments, 123GOAL like salicylic acid, สล็อต 123 niacinamide, or benzoyl slotonline peroxide, are proven to be the most 11 ไฮโล effective acne solutions, but they 123dic can be expensive and have undesirable side effects, such as dryness, redness, and irritation.
123goal 123goal, 05.07.2022 06:02
You already know there are many nigoal123 great reasons to exercise—from dreamgaming improving energy, sexy gaming mood, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ sleep, and health to prettygaming reducing anxiety, 123GOAL stress, and depression. And สล็อต 123 detailed exercise instructions slotonline and workout plans are 11 ไฮโล just a click away. But if knowing how and why to exercise was enough, we’d all be in shape. Making 123dic exercise a habit takes more—you need the right mindset and a smart approach.
123goal 123goal, 06.07.2022 12:25
Legumes like beans and nigoal123 lentils are packed with magnesium. One dreamgaming cup of , ambslot cooked ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ lentils has about 71 milligrams prettygaming of magnesium, 123GOAL and a cup of สล็อต 123 cooked black beans slotonline has almost double that with 120 milligrams. Plus, they’re high in fiber, and studies 11 ไฮโล show that high-fiber foods can help ease menstrual cramps as well as help control 123dic your blood sugar and lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol.
123goal 123goal, 08.07.2022 10:53
It’s really important to nigoal123 have self-esteem — we hear that a lot, dreamgaming and we might believe it, but ambslot that doesn’t ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ mean it’s easy to do. Sometimes prettygaming when we try to believe in 123GOAL ourselves, dark clouds สล็อต 123 of doubt or even self-loathing gather. Sure, it’s possible to fake confidence, slotonline but what is the trick to building genuine self-esteem? Right now, right here, your true 11 ไฮโล nature is wonderful, pure, and perfect. 123dic This is true regardless of what kind of person you are.
123goal 123goal, 09.07.2022 10:40
Most people obsess over how nigoal123 to be successful because we dreamgaming all want to feel like we matter. Without ambslot achieving any success, we might ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ look back on our prettygaming life disappointed by our lack 123GOAL of impact on the world. สล็อต 123 Striving to achieve a slotonline greater purpose is what keeps us fighting to survive and grow. The goal of achieving success 11 ไฮโล will help you live a more purposeful life 123dic by pushing you to overcome obstacles, work a bit harder and pursue happiness.
123goal 123goal, 11.07.2022 12:10
Of the many nigoal123 forms of content dreamgaming marketing, social media is big gaming one that is often treated alone ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ because it follows a prettygaming slightly different set of 123GOAL rules. Unlike other digital เกมสล็อต marketing content listed above, สล็อต 123 social media marketing is all about pggame123 getting people to look AND respond directly. You want 11 ไฮโล engagement that is palpable.
123goal 123goal, 12.07.2022 10:10
You may not associate nigoal123 washing your dreamgaming hands, eating big gaming your vegetables, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ or watching your prettygaming weight as key 123GOAL steps toward better เกมสล็อต eyesight, but they all play a role. Living a สล็อต 123 healthier lifestyle and protecting pggame123 your eyes from the sun and foreign objects can’t protect against every eye condition. But 11 ไฮโล they can all lower your odds of developing a problem that could hurt your vision.
123goal 123goal, 13.07.2022 12:08
Eating a healthful diet rich in nigoal123 nutrients is dreamgaming important for the big gaming body as a whole, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ and it may also prettygaming benefit the skin. Eating a diet rich in various plant 123GOAL foods and เกมสล็อต lean protein sources สล็อต 123 may help provide the nutrients pggame123 that the skin needs to 11 ไฮโล stay healthy. People looking to keep their skin clear may also want to cut out specific troublesome foods.
123goal 123goal, 14.07.2022 11:21
Easy-to-digest nigoal123 evening meal dreamgaming is between 17:00 and 20:00 (5:00 pm and 8:00 pm); it's big gaming best to ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ avoid late-night prettygaming snacks because 123GOAL they fill you เกมสล็อต with unnecessary สล็อต 123 calories and can pggame123 disrupt your sleep. If you do need that midnight snack, stick to 11 ไฮโล unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies.
123goal 123goal, 15.07.2022 12:07
Vitamin C is very nigoal123 essential for dreamgaming our skin and big gaming there is no ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ better source of prettygaming Vitamin C than 123GOAL citrus fruits. So, เกมสล็อต just grab some lemon (or any other citrus fruit), สล็อต 123 squeeze out its juice and add honey. Leave pggame123 this pack for few minutes all over your face and then rinse 11 ไฮโล it off. This face pack will pamper your skin to the fullest.
123goal 123goal, 16.07.2022 10:45
Each time you expose your nigoal123 skin to chemicals dreamgaming that cause big gaming dryness, it’s a good idea ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ to add some prettygaming extra hydration to 123GOAL your beauty routine. Your เกมสล็อต skin tends to produce สล็อต 123 excess oil if the top layer pggame123 feels dry and thereby lead to acne, a nourishing facial mask will deliver hydration 11 ไฮโล to the deeper layers of the skin and prevent breakouts.
123goal 123goal, 18.07.2022 07:30
Whether spending a day at the beach or nigoal123 running errands, sun protection dreamgaming is essential. You can protect big gaming your skin by ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ seeking shade, prettygaming covering up with 123GOAL sun-protective clothing — such as a สล็อต 123 lightweight and long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection — and using 11 ไฮโล sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or higher), and เกมสล็อต water-resistant. You should apply pggame123 sunscreen every day to all skin that is not covered by clothing.
123goal 123goal, 19.07.2022 11:34
Your pores are surrounded by blood nigoal123 vessels and can dilate with heat dreamgaming and sweating big gaming and therefore ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ become more prettygaming open and visible. This makes it especially 123GOAL important to wash สล็อต 123 your face both before and after exercising so that makeup, dirt, and bacteria don’t get trapped inside your dilated 11 ไฮโล pores. There is an upside though: Once you’ve เกมสล็อต washed the loosened debris and oil from pggame123 your face, your open pores will allow for slightly deeper delivery of the topical medications and skincare products you apply afterward.
123goal 123goal, 20.07.2022 11:36
In order to jump start nigoal123 the growth of dreamgaming your tree, you big gaming will need to ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ focus on root prettygaming feeding. Spraying water 123GOAL from a hose on top สล็อต 123 of the tree root 11 ไฮโล ball or wood chips covering เกมสล็อต the root ball is very inefficient and wasteful of water. The reason for this is that not much of the water penetrates the soil pggame123 deep enough to thoroughly soak and feed the roots. Instead, you should attempt to direct the water directly to the roots.
123goal 123goal, 22.07.2022 11:23
Plump skin appears youthful nigoal123 and refreshed dreamgaming because it’s full of the nutrients and moisture needed big gaming to maintain elasticity. Your skin needs ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ collagen, elastin and prettygaming hyaluronic acid to stay 123GOAL plump and hydrated, which สล็อต 123 work together to keep your skin 11 ไฮโล supple and smooth. The plumper your skin, the เกมสล็อต more your face will appear bright and awake pggame123 as if you’ve just woken from a long and restful sleep — even if you haven’t. Skin stays naturally plump until you reach early adulthood.
123goal 123goal, 23.07.2022 09:44
The severity of hangovers nigoal123 increases with the amount dreamgaming of alcohol you consume. For big gaming this reason, ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ the best way prettygaming to prevent hangovers 123GOAL is to drink in สล็อต 123 moderation — or abstain completely. The 11 ไฮโล amount of alcohol needed to เกมสล็อต produce a hangover varies among individuals. If you drink enough to become pggame123 intoxicated, you may have a hangover the following day.
123goal 123goal, 25.07.2022 11:31
Cheaply-made coffee nigoal123 isn’t always the best dreamgaming place to start when trying big gaming to ease yourself ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ into the coffee prettygaming drinking habit. 123GOAL It tends to be less สล็อต 123 flavorful and does not 11 ไฮโล give you the full เกมสล็อต experience that the real beans should. Everyday coffee drinkers can tell you that pggame123 affordable coffee isn’t necessarily bad though, and there is no reason to spend a big chunk of money on coffee.
123goal 123goal, 26.07.2022 12:14
The reason why regret nigoal123 feels so awful is because, by its nature, it dreamgaming implies that there is big gaming something you could ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ have done, some choice you prettygaming could have made, or 123GOAL some action you สล็อต 123 might have taken that would have made 11 ไฮโล something good happen or avoided something terrible. Regret is defined as an aversive emotion เกมสล็อต focused on the belief that some event pggame123 from the past could have been changed in order to produce a more desirable outcome.
123goal 123goal, 27.07.2022 15:28
Trauma and emotional nigoal123 pain are relative in terms of the dreamgaming effect on people. While big gaming death and dying may be the ultimate ลิงค์รับทรัพย์ trauma, people can prettygaming and do experience 123GOAL similar upsets when สล็อต 123 dealing with many of life’s 11 ไฮโล challenges. As much as I’d like to believe that healing happens overnight, it doesn’t. No amount of efforts or even prayers can fix the emotional emptiness in เกมสล็อต a day or even a week. One must understand pggame123 that healing (emotional, mental, physical ) is a process.
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