reader comments on this entry:
fri 2005-sep-02 10:38:14 pdt
posted by fling93
Probably a bored and annoying teenager.
fri 2005-sep-02 13:44:07 pdt
posted by leigh
"probably a bored and annoying teenager" who doesn't like the color purple.
sat 2005-sep-10 22:31:55 pdt
posted by Peter
I've implemented my system that I like to call 'the lamest captcha in the world' where along with your name and email and url and message text, you also have to answer a stupid question like 'what is a monkey's favorite food' or something like that. Or hell, just put some text that says "prove you are not a bot and type the word 'human' in this box" and put up the box. It's not like people are targeting you specifically, they are just searching the web for forms that look like comment forms and then autofilling them.
fri 2005-sep-16 05:02:12 pdt
posted by Nadia
I got comment spam with non-registered URLs as well.
I also got comments that I couldn't classify as URL-promoting, but which seemed to have no identifiable purpose.
When I decided that blacklisting was taking too much of my time, I finally installed a capcha, and that has fixed all of my problems. (Though sometimes I see from my logs that it foils real human posters... or maybe they decided not to post that comment anyways. Don't know.)
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some quoted text
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- somewhere else